Myths About LPNs Getting Phased Out

The general public tends to assume that Licensed Practice Nurses are getting phased out because they tend to see more nurses walking with RN tags. Some hospitals use medical assistants to collect patient data and this adds to the speculation about LPNs facing a future with diminishing employment opportunities.

Are LPNs Being Phased Out In 2021?

People who believe these myths use the following information to justify their position…

1. Several Hospitals Stopped Hiring LPNs

Several hospitals have complained of experiencing tremendous reimbursement cuts from medical insurance providers and this has directly affected the costs of operation. That’s why most small and medium-sized hospitals, which happen to form the largest group of healthcare providers, had to stop hiring Licensed Practice Nurses.

In addition, the financial ripple effects of COVID19 have affected hospitals operating in states with medium-sized economies. Insurance companies are struggling to send checks and this affects the hospital’s ability to maintain a team of LPNs to offer support to Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNS).

2. LPN Jobs Are Limited To Senior Citizen Homes

In the eyes of the general public, senior citizen homes seem to be the only employer that’s still interested in hiring LPNs. While this is a correct observation, what most people don’t know is that these healthcare providers prefer working in such calm environments to busting 12-hour shifts in busy hospitals.

On the other hand, homes for the elderly mainly hire LPNs because they cater to a community that’s relatively healthy compared to bedridden patients in hospitals. Most people can move around by themselves and those with chronic illnesses have it under control. This makes hiring RNs quite expensive compared to the nature of daily tasks.

3. Consistent News About The Nursing Shortage Experienced Countrywide

The media consistently publishes articles and news features about the current shortage of nurses experienced countrywide. The average person who’s used to receiving assistance from RNs in hospitals automatically assumes that becoming a Registered Nurse is highly prestigious and pushes their children towards attaining a bachelor of Science degree in Nursing (BSN).

In almost every industry, assistants usually get overlooked by outsiders. Registered Nurses usually depend on LPNs to carry out tasks such as recording vital signs, administer prescriptions, and offer an extra pair of hands during crises that involve multiple patients.

Four Indicators That Prove LPNs Are Simply In A Transition Phase

1. Crisis Jobs In COVID19 Hotspots Have Created Demand For LPNs

The COVID19 virus has had a greater impact on health in certain geographical areas in comparison to other states countrywide. The surge in daily infection cases puts pressure on medical personnel operating in small and large medical facilities. This new situation has directly led to the demand for LPNs to ease the high demand for nurses in COVID19 hotspots.

2. Rising Demand For Online And Personal Fitness Specialists

The federal and state-imposed pandemic lockdowns during the larger part of 2020 triggered a huge demand for personal fitness specialists, such as trainers and nutritionists. LPNs also found a new niche since their knowledge in nutrition plus medical credentials position them strategically in the market.

3. ICUs Have The Biggest Demand Of Nurses Due To COVID19’s High Fatality Rate

COVID19 has a high fatality rate because it causes massive inflammation in the airway which ends up affecting the patient’s ability to breathe. The rapidly advancing symptoms are the main reason why patients admitted to intensive care are usually in dire need of mechanical ventilators.

The unusually high admittance rate of patients to intensive care necessitates the need to expand the support team. This usually consists of APRNs that work with support teams consisting of RNs and LPNs.

4. Senior Citizen Homes Have The Most Vulnerable Group Of Patients

Senior citizens are the most vulnerable group of patients due to their compromised health that makes their immunities unable to mount defenses against the COVID19 virus. In addition, most people in elderly homes usually have one or two illnesses affecting their airways. That’s why most homes have hired more LPNs to manage the escalating situation.

LPNs Aren’t Going Anywhere!

The myths that suggest LPNs are facing a bleak future are usually based on partial information and the perspectives of non medics. COVID19 has actually intensified the demand for Licensed Practice Nurses countrywide.