6 Months LPN Program
Most programs at these colleges require an Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) degree or the equivalent, which can be obtained through community colleges and vocational schools. The coursework typically includes the topics of anatomy, physiology, human anatomy, nursing administration, and clinical nursing. The courses in an LPN program at an accredited university or college typically consist of one year of general education classes that cover subjects such as mathematics, humanities, sciences, English, and social science. The most popular LPN program is the Associate of Science degree.
However, these general education classes do not provide the information and instruction that is needed to pass the licensing exam required for licensure as an LPN. A second type of LPN program is one that focuses on the licensing exam. For example, they could work in an ER room, an operating room, or even a medical facility that handles people with psychiatric disabilities.
In addition, the courses are designed to prepare students to take the licensing exam. Typically, these courses have a particular amount of time to finish and the final exam is taken upon completion. No matter what type of LPN program a student decides to pursue, it is important to review all of the requirements associated with taking the licensing exam. The best part is that you will still be able to keep your classes at home so that you do not need to take time off of work.
6 Months LPN Program
It is important to ensure that the program that is being chosen is one that will help to prepare students for the licensure test and that the students will be well-equipped to perform well on the test. It is also important that the program is one that is flexible and adaptable so that students can continue their education or train for a job in the nursing field. Registered nurses have extensive training and practice in various settings of hospitals and clinics.
Once a student has enrolled in a six-month program, it is critical to stay engaged by attending class and participating in clinical sessions and taking a number of classes that are geared towards a nursing career. In conclusion, a six-month program is an excellent choice for those wanting to earn a nursing degree at a reduced cost. Online LPN programs are also much easier for students to work toward because they give them the option to study at their own pace and make their own schedules. Also, you’ll need to learn about basic patient care procedures, such as using an IV.